Process Safety Element Compliance with Standards is a system to identify, acquire, evaluate, disseminate, and provide access to applicable standard..

Compliance with Standards
. A system to identify, develop, acquire, evaluate, disseminate, and provide access to applicable standards, codes, regulations, and laws that affect process safety. The standards system addresses both internal and external standards; national and international codes and standards, industry association guidance and practices; and local, state, and federal regulations and laws. The system makes this information easily and quickly accessible to potential users. The standards system interacts in some fashion with every RBPS management system element. Knowledge of and conformance to standards helps a company:- operate and maintain a safe facility,
- consistently implement process safety practices, and
- minimize legal liability
Companies can have different ways of ensuring compliance with standards. Some may develop their own internal standards that are based on applicable consensus codes and standards. Others may rely on Subject Matter Experts (SME) who review projects for code compliance, or some combination of both, or another method entirely. As a new engineer in a company, you will have to learn how your company ensures compliance with standards.
Maintain a Dependable Practice
When a company identifies or defines an activity to be undertaken, that company likely wants the activity to be performed correctly and consistently over the life of the facility. The following essential features help ensure that process safety management activities are executed dependably across a facility involving a variety or people and situations:- Ensure consistent implementation of the standards system
- Identify when standards compliance is needed
- Involve competent personnel
- Ensure that standards compliance practices remain effective

Conduct Compliance Work Activities
The actual work required to maintain compliance to standards, codes, regulations, and lawsis conducted in the other RBPS elements. The standards system provides a communication mechanism for informing management and personnel about the company’s obligations and compliance status. In addition, the standards element is the focal point for monitoring changes to obligations and the potential impact of those changes on the company.- Provide appropriate inputs to standards activities
- Conduct compliance assurance activities
- Determine compliance status periodically as required and provide a status report to management
- Review the applicability of standards as new information or changes arise
Follow Through on Decisions
Actions, and Use of Compliance Results The results of compliance status evaluations may dictate action by the company. If compliance is achieved, then no action is typically needed beyond possible notification of compliance to outside parties, as required. When compliance is not achieved, then management is informed, and the standards element participates in activities to regain compliance. The standards element is the archive for all compliance records.- Update compliance documents and reports as needed
- Communicate conformance or submit compliance assurance records to the appropriate external entity
- Maintain element work records
- [accordion]
- 1. Process Safety Culture
- 1. Process Safety Culture