There are five elements to the pillar of Commit to Process Safety culture, Compliance with Standards, Competency, Involvement, Stakeholder Outreach
There are five elements to the pillar of Commit to Process Safety culture
- Process Safety Culture
- Compliance with Standards
- Process Safety Competency
- Workforce Involvement
- Stakeholder Outreach

Maintain a sense of vulnerability.
The organization maintains a high awareness of process hazards and their potential consequences and is constantly vigilant for indications of system weaknesses that might foreshadow more significant safety events.Empower individuals to successfully fulfill their safety responsibilities.
The organization provides clear delegation of, and accountability for, safetyrelated responsibilities. Accordingly, employees are provided the necessary authority and resources to allow success in their assigned roles. Personnel accept and fulfill their individual process safety responsibilities, and management expects and encourages the sharing of process safety concerns by all members of the organization.Defers to expertise.
The organization places a high value on the training and development of individuals and groups. The authority for key process safety decisions naturally migrates to the proper people based upon their knowledge and expertise, rather than their rank or position.Ensures open and effective communications.
Healthy communication channels exist both vertically and horizontally within the organization. Vertical communications are two-way managers listen as well as speak. Horizontal communications ensure that all workers have the information. The organization emphasizes promptly observing and reporting non-standard conditions to permit the timely detection of weak signals that might foretell safety issues.
Establishes a questioning/learning environment.
The organization strives to enhance risk awareness and understanding as a means to continuous improvement in process safety performance. Enhancements are implemented in various ways, including:- Performing appropriate and timely risk assessments
- Promptly and thoroughly investigating incidents
- Looking beyond the facility or company for applicable lessons
- Sharing and applying lessons learned throughout the organization, as appropriate
Fosters mutual trust.
Employees trust managers to do the right thing in support of process safety. Managers trust employees to shoulder their share of responsibility for performance and to report potential problems and concerns promptly. However, even though mutual trust exists, people are willing to accept others evaluating or checking their actions related to critical tasks/activities that impact process safety risks.Provides timely response to process safety issues and concerns.
Priorities are placed on the timely communication and response to lessons learned from incident investigations, audits, risk assessments, and so forth. Mismatches between practices and procedures (or standards) are resolved in a timely manner to prevent normalization of deviance. The organization emphasizes the timely reporting and resolution of employee concerns.
- [accordion]
- 1. Process Safety Culture
- 2. Process Safety Culture - making this a reality
- 3. ICHEME - Understanding Process Safety Culture
- 1. Process Safety Culture
- 2. Process Safety Culture - making this a reality
- 3. ICHEME - Understanding Process Safety Culture